Tag Archives: Online Dating

Women Reacting to Dating Site Dick Pics

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Women Reacting to Dating Site Dick Pics

We have all had them, or at the very least heard of them. The curse of the online dating ‘dick pics’. The modern alternative to wearing a rain coat and flashing at women at the bus stop!

Stop Sending Dick Pics

Picture the scene ladies, you have sent him a few messages, you like what you have read so you ask for a picture. Then ‘BANG’, your new potential date is a ‘dick pic’ flasher.

So guys,  what do ladies really think of those dick pics?


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Online Dating more Efficient and Cost Effective than US Traditional Dating Methods

Online Dating more Efficient and Cost Effective than Traditional US Dating Methods

Researchers tell us about one-third of new marriages in the U.S. begin with an online meeting. According to market strategists at ConvergEx Group, the New York-based brokerage company, online data can also save a person thousands of dollars.

ConvergEx,, using data from statisticbrain.com note that the average courtship time for “off-line,” traditional dating, ahead of a marriage is  around 42 months – two years longer than the 18.5 month, average dating to marriage cycle for people who meet online.

Using that data, they came up with a formula. Read more of this HERE>>

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